Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Mapping

Yesterday I went in for a new mapping on my cochlear implant. I did not get a copy of my hearing tests, so I will post them later.

The new mapping seemed very loud yesterday. I did not notice any immediate improvement in clarity or comprehension of sound right away. I did notice, however, that when I got home I could hear the television. I couldn’t understand it, but I could certainly hear it. My wife, Loaise, was watching American Idol. I could hear when people were talking or singing and when the audience was clapping.

Today, I am noticing more sound input from the world around me. Stuff that was just too quiet for me to pick up is coming it. I am looking forward to letting my brain register and categorize these sounds, so that they will become clear and meaningful.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Deafened Ear Update

In January I went suddenly deaf in my only functioning ear. My cochlear implant had just been activated in my other ear. Since I have always been deaf on that side, the implant has taken time to become useful. I am nearly to the point of understanding speech, but not yet. So, these past 4 months have been deaf months for me.

Over the last several weeks, my hearing had been  improving in my deafened ear to the point where I could listen to something played loudly over headphones and understand well. But, two weeks ago, I went deaf again. Again, suddenly.

Now, I can hear whistling again in the deafened ear. It looks like it is going to try to come back again. I really, really hope it does, successfully.

My next cochlear implant mapping is next week, and I will post an update on this blog.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I can hear! No I can't! Wait, maybe I can.

My computer hit the floor a few weeks ago and we have been without since. I am waiting for it to be repaired. In the meantime life has been busy and I missed posting several good things. Now I need to post a compilation.


I have reached the point where I can direct-connect my cochlear implant to my cell phone and listen to mp3 audio bible chapters and understand them. I can listen for 20 minutes and miss only a sentence or two here or there.

I had reached the point where I could talk on the phone for a sentence or two with my hearing aid in my deafened ear. I spoke to my sister-in-law in portuguese for a moment.

Bimodal Hearing

For the first time in my life, I found my self looking left to find a sound I heard. I never knew what it was like to hear direction, but my head instinctively turned one way or the other.

The sound qualities of my cochlear implant hearing , which is still in training, and my natural hearing, which is still in recovery, are different. They occasionaly worked together to help me understand more.

Nearly Declared not Deaf but Hard of Hearing

I had decided that in May I would start calling myself hard of hearing again, instead of deaf. But, on Saturday, I was playing soccer and in a tumble hit my head on another player´s knee. I hit right behind my right ear. Two days later, on the last day of April, I woke up with no sound in my right ear. I lost my hearing again.

Cochlear Implant Only

I am relying only on my cochlear implant now. I hear well enough to understand the person with whom I am speaking directly. I can identify some songs. I can hear environment noises. Most sound is very soft, but squeaks and bumps are very loud.

My next mapping is in 2 weeks.  I am taking medicine again to stimulate the return of my hearing in my right ear.